How Can You Make Storytelling a Habit?

Read all the posts about storytelling.  They are part of a series of adding and/or strengthening the tools in your toolbox.



Storytelling is not only a skill, but also a habit.  A habit that can help you communicate better, connect deeper, and inspire action.  But how can you make storytelling a habit in your daily life?  Here are some tips to help you practice and improve your storytelling abilities.


Identify your stories

The first step to make storytelling a habit is to identify the stories that you have to tell.  Stories are everywhere, in your memories, experiences, observations, and insights.  You can use a journal, a voice recorder, or a note app to capture your stories as they come to you.  Try to be specific, descriptive, and emotional when you record your stories.  You can also use prompts, questions, or themes to spark your imagination and creativity.


Structure your stories

The second step to make storytelling a habit is to structure your stories in a way that engages your audience.  Stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but they also need a hook, a conflict, and a resolution.  A hook is what grabs your audience’s attention and curiosity.  A conflict is what creates tension and suspense.  A resolution is what delivers the message and the lesson.  You can use different frameworks, such as the hero’s journey, the three-act structure, or the STAR method, to organize your stories.


Tell your stories

The third step to make storytelling a habit is to tell your stories to someone.  This can be a friend, a family member, a colleague, or a stranger.  The point is to practice your storytelling skills in a real situation, where you can get feedback, reactions, and emotions.  You can also use different platforms, such as podcasts, blogs, social media, or videos, to share your stories with a wider audience.  The more you tell your stories, the more confident and comfortable you will become.


Listen to stories

The fourth step to make storytelling a habit is to listen to stories from others. Listening to stories can help you learn from other storytellers, discover new perspectives, and expand your knowledge.  You can listen to stories from books, podcasts, TED talks, documentaries, or live events . You can also ask questions, show interest, and empathize with the storytellers.  Listening to stories can also inspire you to find and tell your own stories.


Adapt your stories

The fifth step to make storytelling a habit is to adapt your stories to different contexts, purposes, and audiences.  Stories are not static, but dynamic.  They can change depending on the situation, the goal, and the listener.  You can adapt your stories by adjusting the length, the tone, the language, and the details.  You can also use different techniques, such as metaphors, analogies, humor, or emotions, to enhance your stories.


Repeat your stories

The sixth and final step to make storytelling a habit is to repeat your stories.  Repeating your stories can help you refine, improve, and master them.  You can repeat your stories by telling them again to different people, by recording them and listening to them, by writing them and editing them, or by reviewing them and memorizing them.  Repeating your stories can also help you create a personal brand, a signature style, and a loyal following.


I Power Seeds

Here are our takeaways and thoughts - pause and reflect, then nourish and grow!

I know we have all heard it before, but two things come to mind that work every time.  One, tell a joke.  It helps you relax as well as makes the audience focus on you and your story.  Second, start off with a hook, such as a question.  It engages the audience to pay more attention as you will answer the question later in your presentation.


If you had any thoughts, let us know.


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