ITIL Information Technology Information Library


ITIL, an acronym for Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a set of detailed practices for IT service management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. In its current form (known as ITIL 2011), ITIL is published as a series of five core volumes, each of which covers a different ITSM lifecycle stage.

ITIL describes processes, procedures, tasks, and checklists which are not organization-specific, but can be applied by an organization for establishing integration with the organization’s strategy, delivering value, and maintaining a minimum level of competency. It allows the organization to establish a baseline from which it can plan, implement, and measure. It is used to demonstrate compliance and to measure improvement.

knowing is everything

ITIL Certification

If you want to expand your knowledge, I highly recommend learning about and becoming ITIL certified.  I first came across ITIL on LinkedIn, noticing its prevalence among many professionals.  This sparked my interest and set me on the path to learning more about it and subsequently becoming a Certified ITIL Practitioner.

The journey involved navigating through a large amount of information, terms, frameworks, models, and more.  As my wife often teases, I’m a bit of a geek, and this deep dive into ITIL genuinely excited me.  My OneNote quickly filled up with new notebooks, tabs, and pages, brimming with everything I was learning.

With this background, I plan to start with the basics of ITIL in this post and will delve deeper into ITIL and other topics in future posts.  This is merely an introduction to ITIL and ITSM.

Now, as an ITIL Certified Practitioner, I can affirm that the investment of time and effort was immensely worthwhile. Enjoy your own journey, wherever it may lead you.

ITIL on Axelos – find out more information regarding ITIL/ITSM and certifications:

The resources below are not comprehensive or refined, that is not their purpose.  These resources are basic wireframes or initial “seeds” to get you started.  The purpose of the I Power Ideas website is to offer these seeds to nurture and foster growth and learning opportunities.  You are encouraged to craft your own documents and materials tailored to your specific requirements.  Feel free to modify, adapt, and overhaul them as needed.  Our hope is that these resources will provide the seeds that will enrich and enhance your personal experience and the journey of your team.

ITIL Resources


We invite you to download these resources, designed to be simple yet effective starting points. Think of them as “seedlings” that you can cultivate and transform into personalized versions. We encourage you to edit and tailor them to fit your specific needs and situations. Enjoy the process!

What is ITIL

Brief summary of Information Technology Infrastructure Library