Agile Development


Agile software development describes a set of values and principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams.

It advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to change.

The resources below are not comprehensive or refined, that is not their purpose.  These resources are basic wireframes or initial “seeds” to get you started.  The purpose of the I Power Ideas website is to offer these seeds to nurture and foster growth and learning opportunities.  You are encouraged to craft your own documents and materials tailored to your specific requirements.  Feel free to modify, adapt, and overhaul them as needed.  Our hope is that these resources will provide the seeds that will enrich and enhance your personal experience and the journey of your team.

Agile Resources


We invite you to download these resources, designed to be simple yet effective starting points. Think of them as “seedlings” that you can cultivate and transform into personalized versions. We encourage you to edit and tailor them to fit your specific needs and situations. Enjoy the process!

Agile and Scrum

Agile and Scrum Methodology Summary

Agile Beginner's Guide

Brief summary of Agile

Agile Whitepaper

Agile and ITIL – how they integrate

Agile Book

Guide to Agile Principles, Ideas, and Real-World Practices